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A cross platform, fast paced naval multiplayer RTS · By budha


Recent updates

Shipwreck'd v0.12
New Version! Last version was posted on Kongregate to get some additional feedback, so a few things changed: - Added a tutorial sequence for new players, both i...
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Shipwreck'd v0.11
Hello! New Update this week includes: - Survival Mode: Battle against an endless & increasingly heavy wave of enemies - Added a ton of polish & bug fixes - If...
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Shipwreck'd v0.10
Hey everyone! This new update add support for mobile devices! I've uploaded an Android build here for testing, and yes, multiplayer is cross-platform. A few oth...
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Shipwreck'd v0.9
Hey!Sorry for the long wait, here's a new version available! - New Ship! A Sniper boat that has very long range, slow reload time and very long cooldown. - New...
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Shipwreck'd v0.8
Hey, A small update on the content front: - Adjusted the 5xBoats to have a way longer cooldowns - Added animations to the victory screen - Added the beginnings...
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Shipwreck'd v0.7
Hey! A new version was just uploaded, with 3 new features: 1. Cooldowns on Spawn points :O This prevents you from spamming a certain type of ship and forces you...
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Shipwreck'd v0.6
Hey everyone, This update features 3 changes: - New Boat! The Minesweeper lays down mines behind him as he moves around the map. - Bomber boat doesn't shoot any...
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Shipwreck'd v0.5
New Update! In this update, there are no new features, but I've made the game more deterministic. Let me explain: In the past, bullet hits were based on physics...
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